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Craps No 4 Strategy

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  1. Craps No 4 Strategy Games
  2. Craps No 4 Strategy Against
  3. Craps No 4 Strategy Tactics
  4. No 4 And 10 Craps Strategy
  5. Craps No 4 Strategy Video Poker
I have been wondering about whether pit bosses would allow this strategy but since I am at least six months from my next trip to Vegas I thought I would ask the experts on this forum.
The concept is: Do absolutely nothing on comeout roll until point is established. Therefore you would place no bets but just observe. If point is anything but 4 or 10 also do nothing. If point is 4 or 10 place Dont Pass Line bet with maximum odds plus lay with maximum odds the other number. So if point is 4 lay the 10 and viceversa.
I am not stating that this is a 'system' but only an enquiry as to whether the casino would allow it.
I know that many casinos dont like observers with only sporadic bets, so in that case would it then be allowed to place a Pass and Dont Pass Line bet at the same time?
Thank you in advance for your replies.

The concept is: Do absolutely nothing on comeout roll until point is established. Therefore you would place no bets but just observe. If point is anything but 4 or 10 also do nothing. If point is 4 or 10 place Dont Pass Line bet with maximum odds plus lay with maximum odds the other number. If there were a way to beat craps, it would have been done long ago. I tried a similar strategy, $120 no 10/4 ($60 on each) with $44 inside and $12 on the hard ways 4/10 ($6 each) It's not a good grind.if its a shitty table, its a shitty table. If I recall correctly, this is a pattern pushed in a 'John Patrick' video.

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Please let us all know if you find a place where they let you place a dont pass after the point is established.
With this betting pattern even if a dont pass is allowed after the point, the dice goddess will smile upon you and the shooter will throw your non-point 4/10 then make the point.
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... If point is 4 or 10 place Dont Pass Line bet with maximum odds plus lay with maximum odds the other number.

Once the point is established, you are not allowed to bet the Don't Pass. You are allowed to lay either number and pay a commission on that wager. Given that there is a commission, the casino has an advantage over you, but that is an expected part of the game.
It is not meaningful to refer to 'maximum odds' on a lay bet; it is just a lay bet. Odds bets are for Pass, Don't Pass, Come, or Don't Come wagers and may be added after the number for that base wager is established.

Craps No 4 Strategy Games

On related matters, you are allowed to add a Pass wager after the point is established, because that is to the house's benefit -- you have missed out on your advantage on the come out roll and are at a disadvantage from then on. You are also allowed to take down a Don't Pass wager or a Don't Come wager after the number is established, since that is to the house's advantage also. In summary, they allow you to change Pass/Come/Don't wagers (after the point is established) only in cases where it would be stupid for you to do so.WatchMeWin
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I know a casino
Where the dice are ice cold
All the dealers are angry
And the servers are old
Yea, I know a casino
Where the players all lose
They hang out there all day
Just to get some free booze
Try playing the Pass
Then switch to the Don't
You can lay all you want
But they still say you won't
Thanks for this post from:
As mentioned, your 'dont pass line bet' after an established point would need to be a lay bet. So lay both the point and the other 3/36 number when one of them is the point. Casino shouldn't get on you for sitting around, but I wouldn't be surprised if the supervisor gives you a rating of $0.
Lots of people sit around and only bet/shoot for themselves, I don't see how this is any different. Of course, all it takes is one supervisor having a bad day...
Its - Possessive; It's - 'It is' / 'It has'; There - Location; Their - Possessive; They're - 'They are'
Thanks to all for the replies. I can certainly understand the 'problems' with this approach and I may have misspoken when dealing with Lay odds. So let's look at it this way:
1) Place a Pass and Don't Pass Bet each time on the come-out roll. This will avoid the questioning of whether you can place the Don't Pass after point is established. Yes, I know that they will cancel each other out but that's the whole idea. Yes, I also know, good luck getting the pit boss to let you get away with that for too long but you might be able to make a good argument... before they throw you out.
2) Go Lay the 4 and 10 when one of them is the point.
3) Then go to maximum odds on the Don't Pass. Understandably it's 1:2 but if I am not mistaken Main Street Station goes to 20x Odds and Casino Royale and Eastside Cannery go to 100x Free Odds, so if you load up it 'might' work (if Lady Luck is smiling...)

1) Place a Pass and Don't Pass Bet each time on the come-out roll. This will avoid the questioning of whether you can place the Don't Pass after point is established. Yes, I know that they will cancel each other out but that's the whole idea. Yes, I also know, good luck getting the pit boss to let you get away with that for too long but you might be able to make a good argument... before they throw you out.

To figure the house advantage on doey-don't, multiply 1.41 X 2.
The Wizard has it all laid out in the defnitive detail at:
Look at the section on Multi-Roll Bets
Last edited by: SanchoPanza on Mar 26, 2017
I'm all for money management strategies, but when you start exposing yourself to more HE because of it, it becomes a problem. Doey-don't is a problem. Just play the don't and only add odds if 4/10. This also allays any fear of being kicked out for not having enough action on the table... if you're happy to go max odds then I have to imagine flat betting $5-10 won't change your outcome by much. Otherwise...
Other than some weird looks, I would be surprised if anyone gave you trouble. Casinos really don't make it a habit to stop allowing people to put money on the table. Just steer clear from being that a-hole that cheers loudly during a seven out.
Its - Possessive; It's - 'It is' / 'It has'; There - Location; Their - Possessive; They're - 'They are'

1) Place a Pass and Don't Pass Bet each time on the come-out roll
2) Go Lay the 4 and 10 when one of them is the point.

1) I don't know that any casino will not allow you to bet on both Pass and Don't Pass. The house still has an advantage because you lose when a 12 is rolled.
2) Why not Lay 4 & 10 every time?odiousgambit
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Take this to the bank: something on the order of billions of players since Bank Craps was introduced have studied every angle, pondered every nook and cranny, poured over every fact and fallacy, just absolutely bled all over the table in gargantuan efforts to beat the house. So when you come up with the bright idea of hedging the main bets, you can be sure, absolutely sure, that millions of guys have thought of that before and yet they go home just as broke as everybody else.
That's why coming to this site is an opportunity to get educated. You will have to be able to be selective; when it comes to Craps, there are members here who will post wildly incorrect stuff. But you will also hear it said that no combination of bets that have a house edge can result in a bet that favors the player. Each bet has an undefeatable Expected Value, and if you combine these bets, you add the EVs into a sum that is the total EV.
Pass and Don't Pass each have a house edge. If you make both bets, you are betting twice as much with not much chance at variance either - the house loves it. Each bet - each - has an undefeatable negative expectation. That you only play the odds on one side [I hope so!] does not make this smarter, instead you are paying more to play.
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: 'Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!' She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder

Strategy #20

A Peek Inside the Mad Professor's


Many people say to me 'Okay, we've seen how you shoot, and now we KNOW that Precision-Shooting actually works, but how do you bet to maximize your earnings?'

With that in mind, I've decided to open up my PLAYBOOK and let you have a peek inside.This is not the Holy Grail.It doesn't contain any secret formulas that the Mad Professor conjured up in the laboratory.It doesn't contain eye of newt, wart of frog, chemicals or artificial preservatives.No experiments were carried out on animals, small children or unsuspecting adults.I'm sure that there are better methods and approaches to be found.In fact, I still consider myself a student of this game, because I learn something new or re-affirm something everyday.

I alter my play to best take advantage of what is happening at the table, and what I expect to happen in the near-term.I certainly bet differently on myself than on someone I've never seen before.I know what I am capable of doing with the dice; a new shooter is an unknown entity to me.In most players hands, the dice are truly random.

I have been known to seek-out empty tables in this pursuit.It affords me maximum shooting opportunities, and minimizes the vagaries and risks associated with 'random' or normal shooters.However, in this less than perfect world, I also enjoy the company of others and the camaraderie of fellow players.If I join into an already busy table, I hope that they can benefit from my shooting, and perhaps I can take advantage of a lucky roll produced by one or more of them.If they join me when I'm shooting 'solo', fine as well.

I have developed several plays and adopted many others developed by minds much greater and creative than mine.These methods have so far held me in good stead, and kept me in decent profit.

Method to use WHEN I SHOOT:

There is only one way that I bet when I shoot the dice.
Bet table-minimum amount on the Pass Line.Set dice to bring out a 7 or 11.
I usually get two or three 7's, one or two 11's, and either one 3 or one 12 during my average come-out roll.
I usually roll five times before a point is established.On the third win I will usually double my bet.

Once I establish my Point, I put MAXIMUM odds behind the Pass Line bet.
I like 5x and 10x tables, with 100x being the best, however those are a disappearing breed.
I do play at 2x casinos if they are not crowded and the opportunity to be a 'solo' shooter is high.

I also immediately Place the 6 & 8 for $60 each.If either the 6 or 8 hit, I regress each down to $30.

Craps no 4 strategy against

If my first two or three rolls after the come-out indicate that 5's and/or 9's are rolling, I will Place bet them for $10 each. I collect on these at least twice before pressing them.

Thereafter, I collect Place bet winnings, and only Press by one unit on every other hit, thereby locking in a profit while taking ever-increasing advantage of a longer roll.

If I hit a couple of 4's or 10's I will Place bet them only after I have locked up sufficient profit from the roll.Again, I will start them out at $10 each.Thereafter, at $20 I will buy them despite the high vigorish that is charged.Some of my rolls generate 'outside' numbers in abundance.I would be remiss if I didn't take advantage of them after locking in certain profit from previous Place Bet hits.

Once I make and collect the winnings from my Pass-Line Point, I will double my PL flat-bet, and likewise the odds once the new Point has been established.

If 6 or 8 is my Pass-Line Point, I will increase the flat-bet on the Pass-Line to an amount where it is approximately equal to my Place bet on the remaining non-PL Point of 6 or 8.

I always put the Dealers on the Pass-Line with at least 2x odds.I also make 'piggy-backed' Place bets on the 6 & 8 for them.When either number hits, they collect, but the original bet stays in place to be hit again and again.I will also make a Hardway 6 & 8 for the crew if they are coming in.In this case I have the dealer put the bet in my position in the Hardway box, and I tell them that 'It's for the crew, but I will work it for you' meaning that it stays up after it hits.I usually increase the bet by 1 or 2 units and let them drop the rest of the winnings in the toke box.In doing so, I have worked the Hard 6 & 8 up to $150 or more for the dealers on quite a number of occasions.

I currently roll an average of 18 times before the hand 7's-out.Some hands are only 4 or 5 rolls long, while others are in the 30 to 50 roll range.My last six-week trip through the U.S. South, which hasn't been added into these figures, featured 93 hands that each exceeded 30 rolls apiece.To paraphrase an old miner; 'There's gold in them there rolls.'

Does this method work?

Absolutely.If I didn't Precision-Shoot the dice, this method would be just about as good or bad as any other that I've come across.However, with accurate shooting this method generates about 75% of my daily $1,000. income.When I am in Las Vegas, Reno or Mississippi, I can usually play in 'off-peak' hours and play 'solo' at a table.In that case, I usually reach my daily win goal in under 3 hours of play.In crowded conditions it takes about 6-8 hours to reach it.

Methods to use When Other PRECISION-SHOOTERS Shoot:

I start out using the Captain's Five-Count.
Even Precision-Shooters have 'off' sessions.
Thereafter, I Place the 6 & 8 for $30 each.
If either the 6 or 8 hit, I regress each down to $12.
Then on every other subsequent hit I will Press them by one unit ($6) each.

If he hits the 5 and/or 9 at least two or three times AFTER I have locked in profit from the 6 & 8,
then I will Place the 5 & 9 for $5 each.
I collect on these at least twice before pressing them.
I Press them individually, not in tandem like I do with the 6 & 8, thereby locking in a profit while taking ever increasing advantage of a longer roll.

If he hits a LOT of 4's or 10's I will Place bet them only after I have locked up sufficient profit from the roll.Again, I will start them out at $5 each.Thereafter, at $20 I will buy them despite the high vigorish charged.

Does it work?

Usually.Other than relying on Sheer Luck, Precision-Shooting the dice is the only reliable way to make consistent money at this game, otherwise it would be GAMBLING. If I had to rely ONLY on other Precision-Shooters, my daily income would be about $300 per day based on a 6 to 8 hour work day.Not great, but still above subsistence farming and basket-weaving as career pursuits.

Methods to useWhen NORMAL Players Shoot:

When the table is CHOPPY or LUKEWARM or 'NORMAL':

Don't Pass with 6 & 8 Working Overtime.

Start with $25 on the DP.
Place the 6 & 8 for $12 each.
If the 7 shows you win a net of $1.
If the 6 or 8 hits, regress to $6 each and collect $14.

If the 7 shows you are ahead $27.
If the 6 or 8 show again, press the number that hit by one unit.
Continue this method of alternating collecting then pressing until the 7 shows, then start over.

$220 Inside Regression

Put $50 each on 5 & 9, and $60 each on the 6 & 8.
After any of these numbers hit, regress each bet down to $10 & $12 respectively ($44 Inside).
You now have a locked in profit of $26, no matter what else happens.
With every other subsequent hit, press that number and it's twin (5 with 9: and 6 with 8).

Iron Cross w/ Gold Streaks

Using a $5 base bet we place $5 on the Field and Place the 5.
We also Place $6 each on the 6 & 8.
We lay the 4 for $51.If the 7 shows, you have a profit of$3.
As each number hits we keep all the Field, 5, 6 & 8 bets in action.
If the 4 shows, we use a 3x (triple) progression on the No-4. (ie: 50, 150, 450, etc.)

Variation #1:

As above, but if the No-4 bet loses, do not replace it. This method variation should not work, but it does.
Played with a 'short' bankroll of$365 ($1 for every day of the year), it can provide hours of action with a high degree of success

Variation #2:

As above, but do not make the No-4 bet at all.
This is the original Iron Cross Method, and it is very risky.

$22 Inside w/No- 4

Place the 5 & 9 for $5 each.Place the 6 & 8 for $6 each.
Lay $40 on the 4 or 10.
After one hit on any number, take down the 5 and 9.
If the 7 pops up you still win on this shooter.
Wait till it 7's out, then start over again.
If the 4 rolls, use the $40, $120, 360 progression against the #4

Variation #1:

As above, but do not make the No-4 bet at all.

This is the original 22 Inside Method, and it is very risky because you need to collect on at least four winning numbers before you have a profit.

John Patrick's$66 Inside-Regress 6 & 8

Place $15 each on the 5 & 9, and $18 each on the 6 & 8.
Any hit generates $21.

Take down the 5 & 9, and regress to $12 each on the 6 & 8.
A second hit produces $14, making $35 win.
Once you reach an 'in rack' profit of $150, progress this method to $88 Inside.
On any 'wipe-out' where no Place bet hits before the 7 appears, regress your starting point to $44 Inside.
Methods to use When it's a 25 cent table:

Field Progression

Count three rolls without a Field number showing; then,
Bet .25 on the Field.
If it wins replace it with another single .25 bet.
If it loses, we use the following progression:


The Progression is 'double + one' of the most recent bet (1,3,7,15,31,63, etc.)

Variation #1:

Count three rolls without a Field number showing; then,
Bet .25 on the Field.
If it wins, stop betting and start counting rolls again.
If it loses, we use the progression set out above.
This method works, and produces on average $10/hour at a 25 cent table.
It's a great way to keep the Wife AND the Girlfriend occupied at separate casinos.

Variation #2:

Can be used at $1 tables with the same degree of success as Variation #1.
25 Cent Craps System

Bankroll required is $30.

Craps no 4 strategy video poker

Place the inside numbers (5-6-8-9) for 75 cents each.
Betting progression is as follows for each successive win:

Win on 6 or 8, then bet: .75If it wins, bet: $1.50 then, $3.00 then, $4.50 then, $6.00.
Win on 5 or 9, then bet: .75If it wins, bet: $1.25 then, $2.50 then, $3.75 then, $5.00.

If you reach the last level, stop increasing bets and leave as is until shooter 7's out.

15-count YO Progression

Start counting rolls without an 11 showing, when it gets to 15 rolls, bet one unit (.25 or $1) on the YO (11)On each roll without a win, follow the table below:

Units to Bet

# of rolls after you begin to bet


if bet looses then increase to 2 units:


if bet looses then increase bet to 3 units:


continue with progression




Does it work?

Yes, but it's not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach.A friend of mine swears by this method and says it generates about $35/hour on a $1 table.I grimace every time that I see him play and he has to put out those large Prop bets, roll after roll after roll. The dealers, box-men and I just look at each other and shake our heads. He's says that he's never lost, but there have been many times when the progression got over 80 rolls before YO showed.He normally plays at a $1 minimum prop bet table.The 25 cent games no longer provide enough 'entertainment' for him.Needless to say, he drinks a bottle of Pepto-Bismal every day, and he's got ulcers the size of the state of Maryland.

Methods to use When the table is COOL or COLD:

Hedge NO-4

Craps no 4 strategy tactics

If my first two or three rolls after the come-out indicate that 5's and/or 9's are rolling, I will Place bet them for $10 each. I collect on these at least twice before pressing them.

Thereafter, I collect Place bet winnings, and only Press by one unit on every other hit, thereby locking in a profit while taking ever-increasing advantage of a longer roll.

If I hit a couple of 4's or 10's I will Place bet them only after I have locked up sufficient profit from the roll.Again, I will start them out at $10 each.Thereafter, at $20 I will buy them despite the high vigorish that is charged.Some of my rolls generate 'outside' numbers in abundance.I would be remiss if I didn't take advantage of them after locking in certain profit from previous Place Bet hits.

Once I make and collect the winnings from my Pass-Line Point, I will double my PL flat-bet, and likewise the odds once the new Point has been established.

If 6 or 8 is my Pass-Line Point, I will increase the flat-bet on the Pass-Line to an amount where it is approximately equal to my Place bet on the remaining non-PL Point of 6 or 8.

I always put the Dealers on the Pass-Line with at least 2x odds.I also make 'piggy-backed' Place bets on the 6 & 8 for them.When either number hits, they collect, but the original bet stays in place to be hit again and again.I will also make a Hardway 6 & 8 for the crew if they are coming in.In this case I have the dealer put the bet in my position in the Hardway box, and I tell them that 'It's for the crew, but I will work it for you' meaning that it stays up after it hits.I usually increase the bet by 1 or 2 units and let them drop the rest of the winnings in the toke box.In doing so, I have worked the Hard 6 & 8 up to $150 or more for the dealers on quite a number of occasions.

I currently roll an average of 18 times before the hand 7's-out.Some hands are only 4 or 5 rolls long, while others are in the 30 to 50 roll range.My last six-week trip through the U.S. South, which hasn't been added into these figures, featured 93 hands that each exceeded 30 rolls apiece.To paraphrase an old miner; 'There's gold in them there rolls.'

Does this method work?

Absolutely.If I didn't Precision-Shoot the dice, this method would be just about as good or bad as any other that I've come across.However, with accurate shooting this method generates about 75% of my daily $1,000. income.When I am in Las Vegas, Reno or Mississippi, I can usually play in 'off-peak' hours and play 'solo' at a table.In that case, I usually reach my daily win goal in under 3 hours of play.In crowded conditions it takes about 6-8 hours to reach it.

Methods to use When Other PRECISION-SHOOTERS Shoot:

I start out using the Captain's Five-Count.
Even Precision-Shooters have 'off' sessions.
Thereafter, I Place the 6 & 8 for $30 each.
If either the 6 or 8 hit, I regress each down to $12.
Then on every other subsequent hit I will Press them by one unit ($6) each.

If he hits the 5 and/or 9 at least two or three times AFTER I have locked in profit from the 6 & 8,
then I will Place the 5 & 9 for $5 each.
I collect on these at least twice before pressing them.
I Press them individually, not in tandem like I do with the 6 & 8, thereby locking in a profit while taking ever increasing advantage of a longer roll.

If he hits a LOT of 4's or 10's I will Place bet them only after I have locked up sufficient profit from the roll.Again, I will start them out at $5 each.Thereafter, at $20 I will buy them despite the high vigorish charged.

Does it work?

Usually.Other than relying on Sheer Luck, Precision-Shooting the dice is the only reliable way to make consistent money at this game, otherwise it would be GAMBLING. If I had to rely ONLY on other Precision-Shooters, my daily income would be about $300 per day based on a 6 to 8 hour work day.Not great, but still above subsistence farming and basket-weaving as career pursuits.

Methods to useWhen NORMAL Players Shoot:

When the table is CHOPPY or LUKEWARM or 'NORMAL':

Don't Pass with 6 & 8 Working Overtime.

Start with $25 on the DP.
Place the 6 & 8 for $12 each.
If the 7 shows you win a net of $1.
If the 6 or 8 hits, regress to $6 each and collect $14.

If the 7 shows you are ahead $27.
If the 6 or 8 show again, press the number that hit by one unit.
Continue this method of alternating collecting then pressing until the 7 shows, then start over.

$220 Inside Regression

Put $50 each on 5 & 9, and $60 each on the 6 & 8.
After any of these numbers hit, regress each bet down to $10 & $12 respectively ($44 Inside).
You now have a locked in profit of $26, no matter what else happens.
With every other subsequent hit, press that number and it's twin (5 with 9: and 6 with 8).

Iron Cross w/ Gold Streaks

Using a $5 base bet we place $5 on the Field and Place the 5.
We also Place $6 each on the 6 & 8.
We lay the 4 for $51.If the 7 shows, you have a profit of$3.
As each number hits we keep all the Field, 5, 6 & 8 bets in action.
If the 4 shows, we use a 3x (triple) progression on the No-4. (ie: 50, 150, 450, etc.)

Variation #1:

As above, but if the No-4 bet loses, do not replace it. This method variation should not work, but it does.
Played with a 'short' bankroll of$365 ($1 for every day of the year), it can provide hours of action with a high degree of success

Variation #2:

As above, but do not make the No-4 bet at all.
This is the original Iron Cross Method, and it is very risky.

$22 Inside w/No- 4

Place the 5 & 9 for $5 each.Place the 6 & 8 for $6 each.
Lay $40 on the 4 or 10.
After one hit on any number, take down the 5 and 9.
If the 7 pops up you still win on this shooter.
Wait till it 7's out, then start over again.
If the 4 rolls, use the $40, $120, 360 progression against the #4

Variation #1:

As above, but do not make the No-4 bet at all.

This is the original 22 Inside Method, and it is very risky because you need to collect on at least four winning numbers before you have a profit.

John Patrick's$66 Inside-Regress 6 & 8

Place $15 each on the 5 & 9, and $18 each on the 6 & 8.
Any hit generates $21.

Take down the 5 & 9, and regress to $12 each on the 6 & 8.
A second hit produces $14, making $35 win.
Once you reach an 'in rack' profit of $150, progress this method to $88 Inside.
On any 'wipe-out' where no Place bet hits before the 7 appears, regress your starting point to $44 Inside.
Methods to use When it's a 25 cent table:

Field Progression

Count three rolls without a Field number showing; then,
Bet .25 on the Field.
If it wins replace it with another single .25 bet.
If it loses, we use the following progression:


The Progression is 'double + one' of the most recent bet (1,3,7,15,31,63, etc.)

Variation #1:

Count three rolls without a Field number showing; then,
Bet .25 on the Field.
If it wins, stop betting and start counting rolls again.
If it loses, we use the progression set out above.
This method works, and produces on average $10/hour at a 25 cent table.
It's a great way to keep the Wife AND the Girlfriend occupied at separate casinos.

Variation #2:

Can be used at $1 tables with the same degree of success as Variation #1.
25 Cent Craps System

Bankroll required is $30.

Place the inside numbers (5-6-8-9) for 75 cents each.
Betting progression is as follows for each successive win:

Win on 6 or 8, then bet: .75If it wins, bet: $1.50 then, $3.00 then, $4.50 then, $6.00.
Win on 5 or 9, then bet: .75If it wins, bet: $1.25 then, $2.50 then, $3.75 then, $5.00.

If you reach the last level, stop increasing bets and leave as is until shooter 7's out.

15-count YO Progression

Start counting rolls without an 11 showing, when it gets to 15 rolls, bet one unit (.25 or $1) on the YO (11)On each roll without a win, follow the table below:

Units to Bet

# of rolls after you begin to bet


if bet looses then increase to 2 units:


if bet looses then increase bet to 3 units:


continue with progression




Does it work?

Yes, but it's not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach.A friend of mine swears by this method and says it generates about $35/hour on a $1 table.I grimace every time that I see him play and he has to put out those large Prop bets, roll after roll after roll. The dealers, box-men and I just look at each other and shake our heads. He's says that he's never lost, but there have been many times when the progression got over 80 rolls before YO showed.He normally plays at a $1 minimum prop bet table.The 25 cent games no longer provide enough 'entertainment' for him.Needless to say, he drinks a bottle of Pepto-Bismal every day, and he's got ulcers the size of the state of Maryland.

Methods to use When the table is COOL or COLD:

Hedge NO-4

On the Come-out roll, bet $40 on NO 4.
After the point has been established, bet $10 in the Don't Come box.
After the next roll when the Don't Come bet is moved behind the number that just rolled; take down your NO-4 bet and wait for the 7-out.

STEPLADDER: Short-Form Version:

Bet $10 on the Don't-Pass Line.
If it wins, same $10 bet. If it loses bet $15.
If it wins, bet $10.If it loses, wait for a new shooter.
Then, bet $20 on the Don't-Pass Line.
If it wins, bet $15. If it loses bet $25.
If it wins, bet $20. If it loses, wait for a new shooter.
Then, bet $30 on the Don't-Pass Line.
If it wins, bet $25. If it loses bet $35.
If it wins, bet $30. If it loses end session.
If it wins two more times at the $30 level,
Then bet $50.If it loses bet $25.
If it wins two more times at either level, increase your bet by $5 with each subsequent win.

STEPLADDER: Modified for $5 Table

Craps No 4 Strategy Against

See above-method for finer detail and explanation.

Bet $5 Don't Pass.
Win, Same bet. Lose, Bet $10.
Win bet $5. Lose, wait for new shooter, then
Bet $15 Don't Pass.
Win, bet $10. Lose, bet $20.
Win, bet $15. Lose, wait for new shooter, then
Bet $25 Don't Pass.
Win, bet $20. Lose, bet $30.
Win, bet $25. Lose, end session.
Win 2 times, bet $50. Lose bet $20.
Win 2 more times, increase bet by $5 each win.

NO-4 Seven Count

After a 7 rolls, count seven rolls of the dice without the 7 showing.
Then bet $41 No-4.Winning gives a $19 profit.
If the 4 shows, increase bet to $120, then $360 until it 7's out.
The progression is $40>$120>$300>$650>$1,400>$3,000.
This bet can be also used on the No-10 using the same count, but not at the same time.

Does it work?

Yes, provided that you have a SESSION bankroll of at least $6,000 and the table limit is at least $1,500, and if you are prepared to occasionally lose your entire session stake.You need at least 5 SESSION bankrolls to comfortably play this method, and have a very high-paying 'real' job to support it.

Methods to use When the table is ICE COLD:

Ultimate Cold Table System

Place $15 on the Don't Pass and after a point is made take single odds.
Place $10 on the Don't Come and after a point is made take single odds.
Place $5 on the Don't Come and after a point is made take single odds.
Replace only one Don't Come bet and if the point is made, place $15 on the Don't Pass and WORK the odds on the come-out roll.

NO-4 Seven Count

After a 7 rolls, count five rolls of the dice without the 7 showing.
Then bet $51 No-4.Winning gives a $24 profit.
If the 4 shows, increase bet to $150, then $450 until it 7's out.
The progression is $50>$150>$450>$1400>$3,000.
This bet can be also used on the No-10 using the same count, but not at the same time.
This method is not for the faint of heart, weak of stomach, or light of wallet.
Play it at your own wanton disregard and folly.

Method for When You have Time for 'ONE ROLL' Only:

Breakfast Special without Indigestion.
Bet $5 on the Field and Place the 5 for $5.Place $6 each on the 6 & 8.
This is a 'one roll' Breakfast-Buying Special only.
If any number but the 7 rolls, you win.
Call off your bets, pick up your winnings, and enjoy a Las Vegas breakfast with your winnings.
Sometimes you will only win $2, sometimes you'll win $15 (at triple-12 casino).
Occasionally you will lose.You didn't really need that $1.99 breakfast anyway.

Methods to use When a New Player Needs MONEY & Wants ACTION:

Modified $22 Inside.
Put $5 each on 5 & 9, and $6 each on the 6 & 8.
After any of these numbers hit, take down the 5 & 9.
If 6 or 8 hits, take it down until the 7 shows and then start again.

Up and Pull/Regression Method

On either the Pass Line or Don't-Pass Line bet $10.
If it wins, bet $5.
If that wins, bet $10.
If that wins bet $15.
If that wins bet $20.
Whenever it loses, begin at $10, and start over again.
This can be done using any base amount depending on the table minimum.
Always start out at twice the table minimum.

Craps No 4 Strategy Tactics

Hedge Hog System

Start with $20 on Don't Pass.
If the shooter throws a 7 or 11 on the come out, pass on this shooter.
After the come-out roll make a Place bet on the 6 & 8 for $18 each.

Collect the money from the first hit on either the 6 or 8.
If the 6 or 8 hits again, Place the 5 & 9 for $10 each.
From this point on you 'HOG' any profits from your place bets.
If the shooter makes his Point keep all Place bets up.
When he 7's out start again.

Methods for When a New Player Has a SMALL Bankroll & BIG Plans:

Iron Cross w/ Silver Streaks

Using a $5 base bet we place $5 on the Field and Place the 5.
We also Place $6 each on the 6 & 8.
We lay the 4 for $51.If the 7 shows, you have a profit of$3.
As each number hits we keep all the Field, 5, 6 & 8 bets in action.
This method variation should not work, but it does.
Played with a 'short' bankroll of$365 ($1 for every day of the year), it can provide hours of action with a very high degree of success

Big Al's 50 Year Approach

Find a low minimum table, preferably $1 to $3.
Bet 1 unit on Pass Line or Don't-Pass Line.
Keep betting 1 unit until you are down 3 units.
Bet 3 units until down 9 units. That is, two more 3 unit losses.
Play for a single hit. If back to being down 3 units, bet 1 unit.
If down 9 units, bet 3 units, if you win, parlay it.
If you win, parlay it, then you're even.
Start over with 1 unit.
If you're down 12 or more units, divide the amount you're down by 3, bet that, if win parlay it.
For example, if you're down 15 units, bet 5 units, win and parlay.
Never, ever quit if you're down.

SureFire Method-Modified for $5 Table

After the Point is established, Bet '$22 Inside'
That covers the 5 & 9 w/$5, and the 6 & 8 w/$6.
After any of those #'s hit call 'Place bets OFF' or 'Place Bets DOWN'
Wait for new come-out roll and start again.

No 4 And 10 Craps Strategy


Craps No 4 Strategy Video Poker

After the Point has been established, count five rolls without the Point or the 7 rolling, then:
Bet '$22 Inside', That covers the 5 & 9 w/$5, and the 6 & 8 w/$6.
After any of those #'s hit call 'Place bets OFF' or 'Place Bets DOWN'
Wait for new come-out roll and start again.

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